Kathie reached out to me about doing her set based on the prior tableset I did. We chatted on the phone and looked at pics and agreed to move forward.
First step was to clean whatever was all over the piece. It was clear it was there for a very long time based on what was seen on the top of the pedestal once the top was pulled off. I saw A LOT pooled in the rolled legs. I was dreading this project from this point forward.
After scrubbing the piece to death, I moved on to stripping. I shaved all the layers of stain and topcoat from the piece then sanded with multiple grades of paper. The individual who sanded prior to the green/gray stain application sanded in every direction and not with the grain of the wood.
Next up was applying the paint. This is my first time using Annie Sloan Satin paint and this stuff is AWESOME!!! It goes on like silk, it is self leveling, dries quickly and is more durable then the Fusion product I have been using for years. The colour I used was Old White.
I think I have officially retired from doing tablesets. I can honestly say that I will not do them in white anymore. 🤨
As stated, this Annie Sloan Satin line is AMAZING!!! The sheen is comparable to Fusion but is much more durable. Fusion may claim their sheen is matte but I disagree with that statement. I would say this product is closer to the revered Benjamin Moore Advance line. You will certainly see more pieces done from me using the AS Satin line. Stay tuned for a video sharing my thoughts of the AS Satin line and a comparison to one of their competitors that I have lots of experience with. Life should be about options. Besides, sharing is caring!!!😀
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